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Top 10 Most Effective Fat Burning Exercises

Too many fats in your body can lead you to different health complications. It is always advisable for you to try and look for ways through which you can lose the fats in case you notice that you are developing too much fat.

There are many ways through which you can lose too much fat from your body but making use of the most effective fat burning exercises is recommended. This is because the exercises will lead you to losing the excess fats naturally hence leaving you without any adverse side effects.

Not all exercises that you may carry out will lead you to losing the maximum fats; this makes it necessary for you to choose your exercises well. There are also excises which you can carry out while in your home others will require you to attend a gym.

Here are the most effective excises that you can carry out in your home and achieve great in burning a lot of calories:

Jumping rope

This is an exercise that you can carry out in your home and achieve in burning up to 340 calories in just a period of 30 minutes. This is a simple exercise which you will be required to only buy a rope and start jumping.

In order to achieve out of the exercise you need to jump when your feet are apart. The body should be upright while jumping.

While jumping you need to start with a low speed then increase as you progress. While jumping you should try and start jogging while jumping the rope.

2 athletes jumping rope
2 athletes jumping rope


Most runners will tend to have a shape that is sleek and lean, while running you tend to exercise major muscles such as the butt, legs and core.

While running you should try and swig your arms while running. The feet should be kept low to the ground as well as running while you are upright.

While landing you should land on the middle of the foot then roll to make the toes touch the ground. To achieve more out of the exercises you can decide to run uphill or alternate speeds while running.

Running is an exercise that can lead you to burning up to 374 calories in just 30 minutes.

jogging bash in pairs
jogging bash in pairs

Inline skating

Just buy a skater and start skating in case you are a fun of skating. By just skating for about 30 minutes you can end up burning up to 425 calories.When skating you will tend to exercise butts and thighs which will lead you to burning a lot of fats.

While skating you should ensure you have your helmet and wrist guards for you to avoid injuries in case you are a beginner because skating needs some training. You should also have elbow and knee pads.

To achieve more you need to alternate medium paced strokes and hard strokes for you to burn more calories.

Pair inline skating
Pair inline skating

Hula hooping

This is an exercise that can burn up to 300 calories in just 30 minutes.

In order to achieve more out of the exercise you need to make use of an adult hoop which is usually heavier as compared to children hoops. For you to be sure that you have bought the right hoop, it should reach your chest when standing beside it.

While making use of the hula hoop you should lean forward and start moving forth and back for you to get the hula hoop moving. While spinning, you will end up burning a lot of calories which will lower your fats.

Hula hooping in pairs
Hula hooping in pairs

Playing Tennis against the wall

This is very funny; you don’t have to look for someone for you to play tennis with. Just look for a tall wall in your home or at the garage.

After you have located a wall in your home you have to stand for about 25 feet away and start hitting the tannins ball with a racket towards the wall. The ball will bounce back, ensure each time the ball bounces back you are ready to hit again against the wall. While hitting the ball very hard it will end up making you run up and down which will lead you to exercising your body.

If possible you should make your own target where you will hit the ball continuously for over 100 strokes in less than 30 minutes.

Hitting the tennis ball can easily lead you to burning over 272 calories in a period of 30 minutes.

Playing Tennis against the wall
Playing Tennis against the wall


Dancing is fun but in case you decide to dance with fast rhythm you will end up burning a lot of calories. In just a span of 30 minutes in case you decide to dance to fast rhythms you can end up burning over 221 calories in just 30 minutes.

While dancing you should start with slow rhythms and progress to fast rhythms then finish with slow rhythms.

While dancing in order to burn more calories you need to use your arms and try to move them according to the beats.

A man dances to a song
A man dances to a song

Walking vigorously

By just walking you can easily burn a total of 170 calories in 30 minutes.

In order to utilize walking as a way of burning excess fats from the body, you should walk very fast where you can hardly keep a conversation.

In order to achieve more you can mix fast walking with jogging which will end up making you burn more fats.

Walking vigorously
Walking vigorously


This is an exercise that you can carry out at home. The exercise leads to burning fats in the upper body, tones and legs. The exercise is a bit hard but it really helps in burning excess fats from the body.

Jumping Lunges

This is an incredible fat burning exercise. For the exercise to work well you need to increase your speed while jumping between the lunges.

In case you do not know how to carry out the exercise you can get instructions online on how to perform the exercise for you to easily achieve in carrying out the exercise.

Jumping Lunges
Jumping Lunges

Push Ups

You can make use of push-ups for you to achieve in burning a lot of fats. In case you find out that regular exercises are too simple, you can decide to perform single leg push-ups.