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How To Start The Exercise Habit: Some Useful Tips

It has happened to all of us to decide that it’s time to start our training program, and to postpone it once or twice. This often happens because we lack motivation or determination when it comes to exercise.

No matter if you want to start walking, swimming, skiing or working out at the gym, the first few training sessions are always the most demanding ones, but once you get the hang of your exercise routine, you will quickly start to enjoy it.

That being said, here you will find several useful tips that will help you start an efficient fitness program and to stick to it:

Girl getting ready for practice
Girl getting ready for practice

Start With Assessing Your Current Fitness Level

The first and most important thing you need to do is to know where you are standing, or to know how fit you are. This will serve as base for all your future fitness training sessions, and you must know what your overall body composition is (fat versus muscle), what your muscular fitness level is and how flexible you are, overall.

In addition to this, some of the most important aspects that you need to take into account when assessing your fitness level include your body mass index (which will help you figure out how much weight you need to lose), your waist circumference measured around the bare abdominal area, and your pulse rate. In addition to this, your walking rate should also be taken into account, as it will help you determine the intensity of your future exercises.

The reason why this assessment plays a crucial role for your future training sessions is that by adopting an exercise routine that does not match your fitness level (typically, one that is too intense for you) you can put your health at risk and subject yourself to sprains and other muscle and tendon injuries that will keep you on the bench for several weeks.

Invest In The Right Equipment

Equipment plays another important role, as you must opt for high-quality, breathable equipment that is specifically designed for your type of workout or cardiovascular training. If you are just getting started, then you must have at least one type of athletic shoes, along with other practical and lightweight sports gear – you can find most of these items at the local fitness center.

Initial training equipment
Initial training equipment

Make Some Time For Training

One of the most common reasons why we tend to procrastinate when it comes to training is because we have a very busy schedule at work – and that is perfectly understandable.

However, everybody can make some time to workout, as the average training session lasts for about 30 minutes. Besides this, you do not even need a gym membership to get started, as most fitness and aerobic exercises can be done in the privacy of your own home, while you are watching your favorite TV show.

Another important aspect is to come up with a tailored training regime and to include it in your lifestyle, so that it becomes part of your daily routine. Don’t forget to start slowly and to gradually raise the intensity of the exercises – better be safe than sorry!

Start Small And Give Your Body Some Time To Adjust

Most of those who are just getting started with fitness or gym training tend to exhaust themselves, hoping that they will lose weight/tone up/build muscle quicker and easier.

The truth is that by exhausting yourself you will only damage your muscles and put unnecessary pressure on your joints and articulations, as it is a known fact that your body recovers itself and it builds muscle mass not during training, but during rest. Most fitness professionals recommend you to start small and to work below your body’s capacity for a few weeks, just to get used to the training, and then gradually work your way up to the top.

Brutal workout will do you more harm than good! In other words, you need to start small and instead of spending two hours daily at the gym, you should make sure that you get enough night’s sleep (between 7 and 8 hours a night) and that you have a balanced, healthy and nutritious diet that will support your fitness goals.

Don’t Make It Seem Like A Chore!

One of the most common reasons why we quit working out before even getting to see the benefits is that we often see the workout as a chore, as a daunting task that we simply have to do, similar to cleaning the house or taking out the garbage.

This is the wrong mindset and it will not take you very far – instead of making your training feel like a burden, you should try to make it as fun and as entertaining as possible. The good news is that there are many ways in which you can make your training seem appealing.

For instance, you can add variety by combining several different types of exercises, and you can also add some music on the background and try to synchronize your body movements with the rhythm.

In addition to this, you can ask your close friends or relatives to join in – this way, you will stimulate and keep each others entertained and motivated in the long run.

Try To Have Reasonable Expectations

Another great tip for those who are just getting started is to always have reasonable expectations from themselves. Rome was not built in a day, and those people you see walking around with perfect bodies and six packs have worked years to be where they are now.

This aspect is particularly important if you have been a sedentary person for a long period of time or if you are overweight, as you firstly need to get rid of all the excess fat before you move on to actual muscle training, otherwise you will end up with a perfectly toned body covered in a thick layer of fat.

Keep Track Of Your Progress!

Last, but not least, always make sure to keep track of your progress and see how far you have come. This is the ultimate motivational tool, and you must assess your personal fitness level on a monthly basis.

Working out can be quite overwhelming at times and people are prone to losing their motivation and determination over the months – the only thing to prevent that from happening is by tracking your progress, looking at the improvement and encouraging yourself.

If you are looking for more information please check this great and easy to read resource online.