If you are very much determined to lose weight in a natural way, without squandering hundreds of dollars on products that don’t really work, the HCG diet foods are something you should definitely make acquaintances with!
Without much ado and scientific blabbering, the HCG diet foods are just another reference for the perfect formula for a healthy maintainable nutrition plan.
Nothing Pre-Packaged
If you are wary of those industry processed foods that flood supermarket shelves and that might not be that too healthy for you, the HCG diet foods are nothing like that:
- All members of this noble group are natural foods that you purchase locally in any grocery store;
- Among many other advantages, this enables you to learn about which foods are healthy and which ones aren’t;
- Without making any effort whatsoever, you also learn about how to think of foods.
When combined with the HCG drops, the HCG diet foods are the best thing you can settle for in your attempts to lose weight.
HCG Diet Foods – Components
Products can be classified into four main components:
- Low-fat meat protein source;
- Vegetable;
- Fruit;
- Crackers or breadsticks.
These major categorical components represent two of the three major food groups: carbohydrates and proteins!
To get a closer look at the diet components, the protein part consists of the following choices.
100 grams of Protein
Suitable sources of protein are:
- Crab;
- Shrimp;
- Whitefish;
- Chicken breast;
- Beef;
However, it is important to note that the consumption of red meat, tuna or salmon is limited to thrice weekly. In addition, any visible fat should be removed prior to cooking and the meat should be weighed while raw.
The vegetables choices
You can choose any vegetables you like, for example:
- Chard;
- Spinach;
- Chicory;
- Tomatoes;
- Celery;
- Beet-greens;
- Green Salad;
- Fennel;
- Onion;
- Red Radishes;
- Cucumbers;
- Asparagus;
- Cabbage.
The fruit options
With fruits, the situation is a little more complicated. You can incorporate the following products in your diet:
- An Orange;
- An Apple;
- ½ Grapefruit;
- Strawberries (about 10 whole strawberries).
With regards to fruits, it should be noted that only frozen or fresh fruits may be used. Canned fruits are definitely not allowed.
What is the HCG Diet Plan?
HCG is an abbreviation for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, a hormone produced in the placenta during pregnancy. The HCG hormone, while in production, is believed to aid reset the hypothalamus and thus facilitate for the body to break down and henceforth use up abnormally high levels of body fat!
Combined with a specific low-calorie diet, the HCG hormone yields the HCG diet.
Is the HCG Diet Plan for Me?
Male? Female? Well, the HCG diet plan can be followed by both men and women.
To reap maximum benefits, a low calorie (500) diet is recommended.
How Do You Take In the Hormone?
Well, this depends on both your situation and preferences.
As part of the nutrition plan, the HCG hormone may be injected into your system by a medical professional or taken in orally through drops.
Is The HCG Diet Plan Just Hype?
Unlike most other weight loss products that just come in a flurry and leave in a hurry without achieving any considerable accomplishments, the HCG Diet Plan dates far back to the 1950s.
A medical researcher, Dr. ATW Simeons, then discovered that a certain hormone produced during pregnancy could also be helpful in dramatically reducing weight!
How Can You Just Live Off 500 Calories?
Well, a question worth asking. While the HCG Diet Plan maintains that a 500-calorie specification is all that is allowed, this does not mean that you’ll be starving.
The body uses fat deposits to fuel it up and thus maintain healthy body operations while at the same time drastically reducing weight!
Should I Try the HCG Diet Plan?
If you are really inclined towards losing weight while maintaining a healthy lifestyle, this nutrition plan is not something you can ignore.
It is the one product that you’ll definitely want to work successfully for you!