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Dieting and Weight Loss Myths That Could Sabotage Your Efforts

Present generations is in a rush to look for the best and as such adopt all possible tips to acquire their dream figure within a stipulated time. And in order to achieve that most of them adopt some traditional dieting and weight loss programs which are nothing but myths and does more harm other than showing any desired result.

Whenever the world weight loss comes into mind it straightway means eating very less and exercising more. Hence, it results into serious health problems which sometimes leave a long term effect on a person’s body.

Following are some of the most common myths about dieting and weight loss program which are introducing the practitioners to severe health and physiological problem:

a group of people measuring their waists with a measuring tape
a group of people measuring their waists with a measuring tape

Eating Less

The first thing that comes to every individual’s mind who wants to lose weight is to eat as much less as possible. But, it results in low intake of essential nutrition required by the body. People generally found skipping their meal or not eating the required amount of food to lose their weight quickly.

In this unhygienic and unhealthy process the vital organs of the body don’t get sufficient nutrients to function normally. As a result in the long run it causes serious health problems like failure of some vital organs of the body.

Hard Exercise

The next mistake committed by people is that they take up rigorous exercise irrespective of their body weight and type. Each individual is different and as such there are different types of workout routines for any particular person based on their body weight, type and digestive power.

Exercise is a very good way to lose weight but only if it is done according to the individual’s body capacity and stamina. It is found that most of the fitness freaks hit the gym and take up hard core exercise to lose weight within a few days resulting in major fracture or permanent damage to some vital parts of the body.

Eggs Protein

Eating Low Carbohydrates and High Protein is a Good Way to Shed Extra Fat: It is found from various researches and tests that if an individual eat plenty of protein and very low carbohydrate then it may cause health problems.

High protein means intake of more meat, eggs, fish etc which will cause high cholesterol accumulation resulting in heart diseases.

And low intake of fruits and green vegetables means less fiber consumption that turn out in chronic constipation in the long run. Eating less than 130 gram of basic carbohydrate requirement will increase the amount of ketones in the blood which results in joint pain, kidney stone for pregnant women and diabetic people.

Foods That Boost Metabolism

  • Food that Burn Fat: No food is yet tested positive to burn fat in any way. Well, for time being it may increase the metabolism of the body but does not show any decrease of fat in short or long term.
  • Herbal Ephedra Good for Weight Loss: Ever body is aware of the harmful side effects of chemical supplement to lose weight. Hence, millions of people are getting attracted to false propaganda of herbal products which promises to reduce weight without any side effects.

    The harmful ingredient called ephedra that is found in some fake herbal weight loss products cause serious health problems and sometimes even result in death. Even products claiming to be free from ephedra are tested to be containing substances similar to ephedra.

Meal Clock

  • Meal Timing: It is a myth that extra pounds are gained if dinner is taken after 8 pm. Well, the fact is that it hardly matters. The thing that matters is what a person is taking and in what quantity rather than the time.
  • More Exercise Permits Eating Anything: Most of the people who are going to gym on daily basis are found to follow a false myth. They believe that they can eat anything just because they are regular in gym.

    But expert says if an individual is eating 250 calories in a day, he/she must lose double in the gym. Hence, eating unhealthy food in huge amount means not losing the desired calories on every day basis.
  • Snacks Cause Weight Gain: It is found in a survey that most of the people avoid snacks as they feel snacks invites weight. Well, the conception is completely wrong. Snacks are in fact good if taken in the right manner.

    High calorie stuffs like chocolates and other fat gaining items must be avoided and replaced with fruits, green salads and good snacks for weight loss as they ensure that the body is getting constant energy supply.